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Lonsdale Kick and Punch Target Stand

Lonsdale Kick and Punch Target Stand

Test your speed and hand eye coordination and improve kicking technique using the Lonsdale kick and punch target stand. It features 4 target paddles that can be moved to face different

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Lonsdale Kick and Punch Target Stand gets 3 out of 5 based on 1 ratings

Lonsdale Kick and Punch Target Stand

Brand: Lonsdale

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £109.99 - £109.99

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Test your speed and hand eye coordination and improve kicking technique using the Lonsdale kick and punch target stand. It features 4 target paddles that can be moved to face different directions and has a robust, solid base which you can fill with either sand or water for added stability. Ready to withstand those heavy punches, the target stand offers a heavy duty construction and the target areas are numbered from 1 to 8 for combinations drills.

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  • Test your speed and hand eye coordination and improve kicking technique using the Lonsdale kick and punch target stand. It features 4 target paddles that can be moved to face different directions and has a robust, solid base which you can fill with either sand or water for added stability. Ready to withstand those heavy punches, the target stand offers a heavy duty construction and the target areas are numbered from 1 to 8 for combinations drills.....from Sweatband
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    Rating Comments
    3 Star Rating Cheap training tool for Kali escrima
    By: Khalil Rehman, on January 6, 2019

    "Great concept infinitely cheaper than the mmatman dummy fro. USA but the joints are a bit flimsy so if you are hitting pads with Kali sticks or kicks they won't stay in position for long.

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