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York Cable Crossover 2 x 200 lb. Stack (55016)

York Cable Crossover 2 x 200 lb. Stack (55016)

The York Cable Crossover epitomises all that York is about, industry leader, quality materials, made for life but more importantly it's functional It features a 22 position, pull pin,

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York Cable Crossover 2 x 200 lb Stack 55016

Brand: York Fitness

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £2299.99 - £2299.99

from 1 retailers

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(£2299.99 + £Check Site p&p)

The York Cable Crossover epitomises all that York is about, industry leader, quality materials, made for life but more importantly it's functional It features a 22 position, pull pin, vertical pulley adjustment at 77mm centred increments, on a polished chrome column, allow users to choose from a wide range of exercises, to make strides towards their overall fitness or strength goal 2 x 150mm pulleys encased in a steel frame, mounted to a 180 degree pivot, increasing the range at which users can exercise

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  • The York Cable Crossover epitomises all that York is about, industry leader, quality materials, made for life but more importantly it's functional It features a 22 position, pull pin, vertical pulley adjustment at 77mm centred increments, on a polished chrome column, allow users to choose from a wide range of exercises, to make strides towards their overall fitness or strength goal 2 x 150mm pulleys encased in a steel frame, mounted to a 180 degree pivot, increasing the range at which users can exercise....from Gym World
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